September 7-9, 2008
In order to get familiarized with the Foundation that has generously invited us to Germany on this fellowship, we travelled to Stuttgart from Berlin and spent three days there.
On Saturday the 7th, I quickly ate some lunch with Beate (who was renting me one of her rooms in her apartment) which consisted of something totally new to me: little chicken livers fried up with onions and mushrooms. It was delicious, and I wanted to enjoy more but I was meeting up with friend and fellow Fellow Brian in Prenzlauerberg so we could take a taxi to Tegel Airport together.
Brian coming from his apartment in Prenzlauerberg: At this point the taxi driver was already getting nervous because we were already 3 minutes late. So he just started the meter even though we weren't driving yet.
Upon arrival in Stuttgart, our group was picked up from the airport and taken to the hotel, located outside of the city near a forest. Dinner gave all of us an opportunity to meet each other. Following the dinner, some of us took the U-Bahn into Stuttgart to catch some of the city's Weinfest (Wine Festival).
Weinfest in Stuttgart: delicious local wines were tasted that evening. Here we are in front of the restaurant named "Alte Kanzlei". It was a chilly September night of conversation and fun.
September 8th started with a buffet breakfast at the hotel followed by an introduction by the Foundation leadership. Each of the three Bosch groups then worked on a performance, skit, or presentation that would best describe the group to the other two groups. The German group did an intense news coverage-esque show with lots content. The Eastern European group did a Olympic sports theme skit followed with singing the EU anthem (Ode to Joy), and we did a skit that humorously tried to dispel myths about Americans. For example, we don't all drive SUVs and refuse to recycle :)We all had a great laugh and this helped bring us all a little closer together.
Then some of us walked to the nearby Fernsehturm (TV tower) and took the elevator to some incredible views of Stuttgart and the surrounding rolling hills. Wow! We remarked at how different Stuttgart was compared to Berlin!
The Stuttgarter Fernsehturm: a short walk from the hotel, this tower was a sight to see!
View onto the hotel area and surrounding landscape. Breathtaking weather!
Boschies over Stuttgart: Meghan, Brian, Amy, and me
Next, we were driven to the Bosch House and compound, the home of the Robert Bosch Fellowship Foundation. It is situated on a gorgeous hill with beautiful gardens, an orchard, a villa, and a modern building. It was here where we got acquainted with the grounds and had photos taken of us. These photos will likely be posted on the website or brochures. After an informative presentation in the oak-paneled fireplace room, we mingled outside with champagne and watched the sun slowly sink into the horizon. Then a delicious dinner trailed off into a gorgeous night spent chatting and strolling the grounds.
The old and the new: the Bosch buildings
Enjoying the view while learning about the life of Robert Bosch and the history of the Foundation.
Entering the Bosch compound: very breathtaking
Robert Bosch and one of his beneficiaries: here I am posing next a bust of the legenday man in the foyer of the Bosch Villa.
The Robert Bosch Foundation: incredible location and grounds.
The patio area: the perfect area to enjoy the champagne
Posing right before the group shot: Scot, Me, Mike, and Adam
The gate into the Bosch compound.